Use of AspectJ in Teaching

by Karl Lieberherr

I have used AspectJ in my courses at Northeastern since 2002 with great success. The students are interested in learning AspectJ and AspectJ provides them with a new view towards programming languages. In the links below you find lecture notes and homeworks etc.

To test AspectJ for class use, I used it in small advanced graduate course in winter 2002: Advanced Object-Oriented Systems. The test was successful and next I used AspectJ in a required graduate class in the fall of 2002 about Fundamentals of Software Engineering. In this course we used Eclipse and AspectJ to implement a Law of Demeter checker, the topic of an AOSD 2003 publication.

In the fall of 2003 I used AspectJ in Advanced Software Development. A project in this course implemented XAspects which was the topic of an OOPSLA DDD 2003 paper.

Since then I have used AspectJ in several courses, the most recent one (Spring 2005): Managing Software Development.

Karl Lieberherr's Home page.